Pornstar Escorts in Europe – Dubai 2024

Can you find famous pornstar escorts in Dubai who are available as escorts? Of course you can. Dubai is one of the capitals of the world for hiring pornstar escorts in Europe.
In this article, it’ll be discussed what it’s like to hire an escort in Dubai, and why Dubai sucks for meeting non-escorts, and why you don’t need to waste time thinking about Instagram models.
How to hire a pornstar escort in Europe in Dubai
Hiring a European escort in Dubai is different from doing it in the U.S. Because there are fewer risks, you don’t need to use as you do here in the U.S.
Pay-for-play is relatively out in the open in Dubai.
No Escorts in Dubai in the Summer
You probably won’t find as many European pornstar escorts in Dubai this time of year. Dubai is super hot in the summer. Temperature in the 110-125 range is not unheard of.
Just like the middle of summer is the slow season in Las Vegas, Dubai is dead in the summer.
Where are the Pornstar Escorts in Dubai
If you want to spend time with an escort in Dubai, think about staying at the Moscow Hotel. This hotel is a four-star hotel in Dubai.
It’s definitely not the nicest hotel in Dubai, but the lobby bar is the main attraction.
At night, the lobby bar fills up with people. There are dozens of girls sitting around tables. You grab a table and a drink.
Then you can waive over any beautiful girl you want. All the girls are beautiful. Most are from Eastern Europe, such as Russia, Ukraine, Poland, etc.
She will ask you where you are from and how are you doing. At some point in the conversation, she will get up and leave.
Soon after she leaves, another girl (older and less attractive) will come and sit down at your table.
This second girl is the first girl’s manager.
The manager will tell you how much it will cost you to take the girl up to your room per hour.
The cost is between $400 and $900.
If you agree, you pay her, then you take the girl you liked up to your room.
One interesting thing is that you can buy condoms right there in the hotel lobby. Near the elevators, there is what looks like a concierge desk with a small convenience store on the wall behind it.
There are a dozen or so condoms for purchase.
It should be noted that prostitution is technically illegal in the U.A.E. but it happens in Dubai – evidenced by condoms being sold freely in a reputable hotel.
Instagram Models in Dubai
You can’t really talk about escorts in Dubai without talking about Instagram models.
Surely you’ve seen all the girls on Instagram on expensive yachts, at expensive dinners, luxury shopping, etc.
You probably wonder (or not) how do they afford this lifestyle or vacations.
The Instagram girls can’t afford trips to Dubai by promoting supplements and juice brands on Instagram.
Of course, some girls go to Dubai on their own dime and don’t work as pornstar escorts in Europe, but the majority of girls you see on Instagram are sponsored or escorts.
Why do you think they have professional photos, lighting, and camera crews following them around? They are advertising for Middle Eastern Billionaires to fly them out for a weekend.
These girls are brought to Dubai by private jet, given a credit card for shopping, and paid $10,000.00 to $100,000.00 for a week or weekend.
The Alternative to Instagram Models
You can have fun in Dubai by spending an hour with a beautiful escort for less than $500.00
Dubai is the playground for the rich. The boats, cars, and condos are like everything you see on the internet. With that type of wealth and abundance, comes beautiful girls.
These billionaires with oil money and other sources of wealth use Instagram as sort of their catalog.
But you don’t have to.
Regular Non-escort Girls in Dubai
There’s nothing wrong with meeting random girls during the day in a foreign country.
But in Dubai, there are no such girls. Unlike Budapest, Hungary, discussed in Pornstar Escort in Europe 2024 where you can find random girls in the bars and clubs, Dubai is not like that.
In fact, there are not many locals in general. Most people in Dubai are there for work, especially the beautiful women.
So, you can’t really go to the mall, coffee shop, or park and pick up regular girls, or even girls from other countries in Dubai on vacation. All the girls you’d want to hook up with are likely escorts.
Dubai is a very transactional place.
Where to Stay in Dubai
As mentioned above, you can stay at the Moscow Hotel for girls to hire. If you want to stay at another good hotel, try the Dusit Thani Hotel in Dubai.
This is a 5-star hotel in Dubai near the mall and is better than the Moscow Hotel. But the Dusit Thani in Dubai does not have escorts all around the lobby bars.
By the way, the Dubai Mall is probably one of the biggest and best in the world.
Dubai is a city in the Middle Eastern country of the United Arab Emirates.
It’s a pretty interesting city that everyone should check out. It’s kind of like New York and Vegas, but spread out like L.A.
If you head to Dubai to meet pornstar escorts in Europe, you’ll have fun. And unlike here in the U.S., you don’t need a review website to safely hire an escort.
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