Bachelor Life Inc. Year End Review 2014

I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read my site. Thank you!
Always looking to make things easier, this secret is to go out when there is less competition, and the girls on average are hotter.
The only way to win in a casino is to count cards in blackjack – that’s the reason casinos kick out card counters.
5. Proper bra unstrapping speed
The lesson here was simply error on the side of being a player v. nice guy.
A little surprised this was one of the most popular posts but it was. Here, I just explained exactly how people lose in casinos, and the odds bet in craps gives you at least a fighting chance to break even.
Girls know that you have other girl friends, so no need to lie.
2. 2015 Superbowl (Jewel In The Desert)
Superbowl XLIX in February 2015 will be in Glendale, Arizona. But, the best parties will be in Scottsdale, Arizona. Scottsdale has the hottest women in the world. Read my post, and note the bars I’ve listed. YOU WILL THANK ME!!!!
Glad this was the most popular post of 2014. I basically walk you through a basic day in Vegas if you are there solo.
So that’s it for 2014! I’m still trying to figure out how to accomplish my goal of this blog, trying to explain to single guys…
Any suggestions or comments are welcomed.
Have a great 2015!
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