No Super Bowl Tickets? So What!

Girls at Waste Management Golf Tournament
Even if you’ve got tickets to Super Bowl XLIX in Arizona on February 1, 2015, if you’re a single guy, I guarantee you will have more fun at the WASTE MANAGEMENT PHOENIX OPEN the day before on Saturday January 31, 2015.
If you’re single, there will be no better place on earth than the Waste Management Phoenix Open on that Saturday.
Here’s the website: — BUT PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE SITE!!
If you’re from Arizona, you know this is a golf tournament in name only. If you’re not from Arizona, you’re in for a treat. Also, if you’re into golf, or follow the PGA Tour, you may not even want to come to this tournament – golfing has little to do with the Phoenix Open.
The Phoenix Open gets this slogan for a good reason.
On Saturday afternoon from 12:00 to 6:00 pm, you cannot find more hot girls in one single place in the world, than at the Phoenix Open. Some of the girls will be dressed like they’re at a club, but almost all the girls will be dressed to impress.
Everyone is drinking all day, and it’s damn near impossible not to meet hot girls. Given the quantity and the quality of all the girls, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a golfer play – and I’ve been going for 20 years.
After the golfing is done for the day, everyone goes to the “Bird’s Nest.” The Bird’s Nest is basically a big tent with thousands of people partying all night. It’s within walking distance from the golf course. There’s live music performances, (Kid Rock, Afrojack this year) but for guys, you should know that the girls at the Bird’s Nest are not as hot as the girls during the day.
I know it’s kinda backwards, but on this day, the girls are hotter during the day, than at night. During the day, the girls are battling the grass in their high heels. At night it’s more flip-flops, etc.
The hot girls go home, shower then hit the bars in Old Town Scottsdale. I gave a list of where they go in my post “JEWEL IN THE DESERT – SCOTTSDALE, AZ” ( I’ll update the list again shortly)
So, if you’re planning on coming to the Super Bowl for the 4:30 pm start time on Sunday, February 1, 2015, I’d suggest going to the WASTE MANAGEMENT PHOENIX OPEN the day before. In fact, if you’ve never been to the Phoenix Open and live within a 5 hour drive, it is worth the drive.
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