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2024 How to Hire an Escort Revisited

When a blog has been around for 10 years, it’s forgotten that someone probably just found the site yesterday.

Writers mistakenly think readers have been around since day one too, so only a little content is repeated.

However, one important subject needs to be repeated.


Dangers of Hiring an Escort

The three main risks when hiring an escort are:

  1. Getting Arrested
  2. The pornstar escort or non-pornstar shows up to your hotel looking completely different than her pictures.
  3. Your escort steals your things.

(If you want to hire your favorite pornstar as an escort, you’ll only have to worry about her not looking the same in real life and how much fun she is. You don’t have to worry about her being an undercover cop or a thief.)


How to Hire an Escort Book

All of these dangers were first explained in chapter 3 of the book “How to Hire an Escort” published back in 2016. While almost 10 years old, the main point is the same, and will probably be the same forever.


If you want the book, get it here: How to Hire and Escort


The Most Important Tip

The best way to prevent the above dangers from happening is to use a review website.

The website is the longest-running and best review website on the internet.

Access it here:


The Dark Web Theory

Using, or any other reputable escort review site, goes back to 2014.

2014 was the busy days of the “Dark Web.”

The Silk Road had just been shut down, but many dark web marketplaces were still in existence.

Back then you got on the dark web by using Tor Browser.

The Tor Browser was talked about back in 2018 here: How to Access The Erotic 

(that article was about changing your IP address, but discusses the Tor Browser)

What happened next might surprise you if you’ve never been on the Dark Web.

Once you got on, you could search one of dozens of marketplaces to buy stuff. It was like eBay but for illegal items. You could buy weapons, drugs, counterfeit Ids, hit men, and all sorts of weird shit.

But the most popular thing on dark web marketplaces was buying drugs.

Real drugs like Cocaine, Heroin, etc.

Hundreds of thousands of people bought drugs this way.

But how, and what does this have to do with hiring escorts?


Reviews on the Dark Web

This is where the reviews came in.

The only way a person would buy cocaine from an anonymous stranger on the internet was because of the REVIEWS.

If the dark web drug dealer had 100+ positive reviews, you could be assured that when you received a teddy bear in the mail from Kazakhstan and broke it open, there would be legitimate cocaine inside.

The only way you would send your money, give out your address, or put the drugs in your body is if many people had done it before you.

That way, you know people had done it before you – (and lived!) because of reviews.


Same With Hiring Escorts

The only way you can be certain of buying anything off the internet is if there are reviews.

Amazon uses reviews, dark web marketplaces only worked because of reviews, so you can use the same logic.


Pornstar Escorts and Escort Reviews

You can do the same thing when hiring an escort or a pornstar escort.

If you hire a pornstar escort, the real danger is her showing up looking different than her photos.

(This is a situation where pornstar escorts and non-pornstar escorts are the same – they both can put up misleading photos.)

Most guys are afraid of getting arrested, but that happens a lot less than girls not looking like their photos.


Escort Reviews

If the escort you want to hire has 5 or 10 relatively recent reviews on you know she is legit.

Without reviews, you are rolling the dice.


The Disadvantage of Escort Review Sites

It’s been mentioned before that the downside of using a review site to screen for girls is that you are limiting yourself to only the escorts with reviews.

There may be thousands of legitimate, beautiful, incredible escorts who don’t have reviews.

If you’re limiting yourself to girls only with reviews, you’ll miss out.


Fair and Fake Reviews

Also, there’s a risk that some reviews may not be fair to the escort. But that’s not a big concern because, just like Amazon, the poor reviews are canceled out by the positive ones. 

Also, there’s a risk of fake reviews, but that too, is not a concern. Because if you follow the tips here and in the article: How to hire an escort, you’ll only contact escorts with multiple reviews – not just one or two. 


The Best Advice on the Internet for Hiring an Escort

If you’re nervous, and this is your first time hiring an escort, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Later, if you want to take your chances on a reputable escort site like or then do it.

But those are not review sites, they are escorts advertising their services.

If you’ve never hired an escort before, you want your experience to be great and not disappointing. 

So use a review site like


2 Comments on 2024 How to Hire an Escort Revisited

  1. I’ve read various reviews at TER, and noticed that BBBJ seems to be the norm. You’ve advised to always use protection, though. What’s your take on that?

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