Advice When Hiring An Escort
A few tips when hiring an escort if you don't use a review site

Advice When Hiring An Escort
Three things you might worry about when hiring an escort are getting arrested, robbed, or being the victim of a bait and switch.
But don’t worry, if you start with a review site such as like I suggested in How To Hire An Escort, these risks are virtually eliminated. I recommend The Erotic Review because I’ve personally had a 100% success rate in not getting arrested, robbed, or having a girl appear who was not the girl in her picture.
However, over the years my friends have complained that there are so many hot girls offering their services but not all, or even most, are reviewed on review sites. Despite the truth of this, my advice is still – Always hire an escort who has been reviewed.
But, if you ignore my advice, the following tips can help you stay out of trouble.*
*Another option is to get a beautiful girl on
Do “out call.” Out call is where the girl comes to you. She can come to your hotel room, home, or apartment. If you have the girl come to you, you can be sure she’s not a cop. Cops will not conduct a sting in your hotel room, house, or apt. They will never have a girl cop come to your hotel room because they simply do not conduct stings where they do not control the surroundings.
On the other hand, if you find a girl on Backpage and go to her house, or stop into a massage parlor somewhere, you don’t control the environment, they do. So, in that case, if there’s a set up or random raid, the cops control everything.
Also, be careful if you meet an escort in a Vegas casino and take her to your room. SHE HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED!
TIP: If you have any doubt, ask to grab her ass or tits. Escorts are used to this request, and they know the only reason you are asking is because you’re trying to confirm she’s not a cop. This also has the benefit of her knowing you’re not a beginner.
TIP #2: If a girl ever asks you to name the price, she is a cop. Escorts always tell you the price or it is on her website.
Hire a girl who works for an agency. While an escort who works for an agency will be more expensive, the peace of mind is worth the cost. If a girl works for an agency, she’s probably not a cop, or have a crazy pimp, or have a drug problem. These are very real risks if you hire a girl off of Backpage or anywhere else if she is not reviewed. Also, if you go through an agency, you don’t have to worry about getting robbed, having a bait and switch, or being upsold once she’s in your room.
Tip: If a Backpage ad explicitly sells sex, it’s a setup – Prostitution is illegal. Legit escorts know better and only provide time.
Hire a girl with realistic pictures. If her picture is professionally done, or if she’s too hot, be careful. Here’s where you benefit from my bad experiences without going through them yourself. The old adage – if it looks too good to be true, then it is not, applies here. Although you’ll probably not see a totally different girl, you could easily see a girl who shows up 10 years older, or 30 lbs heavier than her picture. Again, this is why it is to your benefit to use a review site because if the girl is super hot in her picture, you can see what other guys have to say about her real looks.
Tip: On there is an “appearance” section where guys tell you “real photo,” and “photo accurate.”
Tip/Fyi: Mainstream modeling agencies always ask girls for a recent picture from Instagram or Facebook because they want to see what the girls look like in everyday life.
So these are some tips if you ignore my advice in How To Hire An Escort and hire a girl who has not been reviewed.
Tip: If you’ve never hired an escort before, this book will help you get started,
Click here: How To Hire an Escort
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See How Here – How To Hire a Ukrainian Escort
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Have fun!
Hey man great advice. One question I have though is when hiring girls off erotic review, is it recommended to register on their site? I was a little bit cautious putting my first and last name in the registration because I didn’t know how well my privacy would be protected on that site. If you could provide clarification on that, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks! no, not at all, I used the site for 7 years before registering. You only need to provide real id with the girl or her agency. But, you can trust TER because they’ve been around for a long time. hope that helps!
Great article. Question, if the provider posts nude pictures, is she legit? Thanks in advance!
Thanks, and yes nude pics are fine. But if she writes anything explicitly sexual in her ad, stay away.
Thanks for the feedback man. What do you mean by real ID though? Just my name?
Also if a girl has 65 positive reviews on erotic review and she works for an agency, would it be ok to go her Incall? I just want to make sure so I don’t make a careless mistake.
Think it taught me a lot about women and sex when i hired an escort.
The key is don’t discuss money or cash for sex just discuss money for “Time” and you wont get arrested. is a pretty decent site i use often to find escorts.
You’re absolutely right, never discuss anything but time. I’ll check out your suggested site, but I only trust Thanks for the comment!
Hi there. I came across your site, and some of the advice is really good. I appreciate you wanting people to know what to look for in legitimate providers. I do want to say, however, that The Erotic Review, is not the end-all-be-all in terms of safety and reliability. And I do not want clients, or potential clients to think that it is a “good” company. Review sites that are as explicit as TER (they do not allow you to post reviews without detailed acts) are risky for clients who want to maintain privacy and anonymity, as well as for the safety and comfort of the providers. Some providers feel bullied and pushed around by TER as it relies on a number ranking system, doesn’t allow client reviews, and encourages providers to do acts they might not be comfortable with (because you cannot get a 10 rating if you do not do “everything.”) This does not encourage community building for clients or providers, and this does not encourage safe sex practices.
I agree, though, that reviews are a good indicator of reliability, truthfulness, and quality, and I ask that you not take writing your own reviews lightly as you move into this rewarding hobby. Reviews are what providers rely on for their business, and we take them to heart. Those who want to be quality providers will, at least ^.^
Also, while it is not a review site. is a new ad board that is run by women (and not criminals – It is progressive, and has a legitimate care for sex workers. The creator has been an activist for decades, and the girls on the site are of a higher quality than BP or Eros. I also HIGHLY RECOMMEND PREFERRED411. I recommend this site over ANY OTHER SITE. It is the safest in my experience.
Sorry, last one! Also, don’t be afraid to ask your provider who their friends are! Providers love to share! Twitter is a great resource for seeing who your provider is friends with. Twitter has become a place for providers to meet, chat, and discuss what it is important to them and the industry. It is also very sexy to see them flirt with each other, and post pictures of them hanging out. Twitter has made reviews a little less necessary because some providers are very open on social media, and clients/potential clients can get a good feel and understanding of who that provider is. (This is not so much the case for instagram, but definitely check out the social media pages providers make).
Thank you for taking the time to comment. I find your comments helpful, and agree that there are many more review sites, and great sites, besides TER. It’s just that the TER route has been 100% successful for many years, and I owe it to my readers to give them the safest way I know to hire a provider.
Any thoughts abt city girls dot com? They ask for a lot of information to be verified. Like driver license, paystubs/w2, and a utility bill. And your not allow to block any information except ur SS#. Otherwise you will get denied. Does this sound safe to you to provide all your personal information?
imo is the only directory that’s safe these days. If she’s on there, with an agency, then sharing such info is fine. Otherwise, assuming you have no references, you must decide if it’s worth the risk.
Thanks for the useful info, I have one question please.. How to make sure and feel safe about her driver or traveler that nobody would sneak to my apt to rob me at the time or future time ?
Hey thanks for the question. Just make sure the girl you hire has been hired and reviewed by at least 5 guys before. Any suspicious activity from her driver will surely be commented on in the review. Also, don’t ever let anyone, including girlfriends, come into your apt with the girl you’ve hired.
So if you hire a reviewed escort on TER and P411, she has a personal website, well written with some great photos but covered face shots, you exchange emails, talk on the phone, text, etc is this legit? She will meet you in public location of the hotel in discreet clothes, We meet, head up to my room, does that sound like a sting or LE?
Not at all. As long as there are multiple reviews, she’s legit. Reviews are most important.
Hi there
Is it good enough if they are authenticated by Eros? Eros show face photos where links in TER usually don’t and is hard to navigate a search. Thanks!
Use both. you can use Eros for pics, but use TER to find out what other guys have to say about her. This is the safest way.
i have seen a provider once at an apartment incall. She was well reviewed, but seemed like an addict based on prior reviews and other signs. However she was very sexy otherwise.
I would like to repeat, however, I am concerned that if she does have a drug habit I am at more risk of LE being involved or being robbed.
Also I think her pimp was waiting in front of the apartment in his car. Am I being paranoid or our these legitimate concerns. Her ads our everywhere and she has mixed reviews but no negatives concerning safety .
My advice would be to hire another girl who makes you more comfortable. Don’t pay attention to her ads, only her reviews. Also, you should write a review on her so other guys know what to expect.
Thanks for your response. The truth is I did feel comfortable in the session it was only afterwards and because I am new to the hobby that I started second guessing. She had 6 or 7 reviews all solid. Only complaints were punctuality related(not an issue with me) none related to safety issues.
So my main question to you is, is her probable drug habit a red flag, or usually nothing to worry about? Also, the man sitting in the car in front of her apartment. He made a lot of eye contact with me when I left. He was an older guy. Could he be LE, a pimp, any ideas?
Since I am new to this I am not sure if i am being paranoid. She was a fun girl very easy to talk to, non rush, etc. Any more advice on this would be appreciated.
Great article, I love TER. My advice for choosing an escort is to have an idea of the woman you are looking for and go find her. Always be a total gentleman.
Happy hobbying.
Here is a question: What if she has many reviews on TER and also posts on backpage to her incall? Still safe??
Yes, the most important thing is that she has guys who vouch for her. Doesn’t matter where she advertises because it only matters that she’s not LE, there’s no chance of getting robbed, and she’s a good time.
On following page there are some more reputed escort reviews sites
Hope that will help newcomers !
Thanks! We are always looking for resources b/c guys who’ve never hired an escort before are extremely afraid.
I want to hire an escort, i got the $ but I’m still 17, but this year i will be 18 on august, is still fine?
Once you’re 18, have fun. But first, try to find non-pros, the experience is more fun.
Thanks for the great tips.
Now that TER became unavailable for US users, which sites would you use instead? Has anyone had experience with Adultseach?
Haven’t seen any legit review sites back up, but we’re looking
Thanks for the tips.
I came across this ad and this Japanese lady calls herself “agent” representing the girls but she doesn’t have any website. She sent the screenshots of the review messages from her previous clients to make sure of her girls qualities… but she does thorough screening. Very informative but she wants me to go through “screening” before I make any appointment. Does this mean that she’s after my information or she’s just being careful on her end too? She has a lot of girls and seems like that they’re busy all the time by the screenshots I saw (she sent 10 at least per girl).
Thanks for the comment and question. Yes, a reputable agency will require screening. If they don’t ask for your information, that’s when you should worry. They do this because they are worried about new clients being LE.
This blog is awesome! I found an interesting post on the internet (see below). The post suggests to watch a movie or go on a dinner date for at least 60 minutes. What are your thoughts?
That’s fine as long as you’re not paying double her hourly donation. A recent trend is that escorts like to recommend 2-hour minimums anyway. Either way, you’re only paying for time.
I am an escort, and I disagree with A LOT of what this article says. Specifically, your argument that reviewed girls are always the way to go. First, I know quite a few escorts and 90% of their reviews are fake, either positively or negatively. Second, you can also get reviews removed that you do not like very very easily. Thirdly, I would NEVER allowed myself to be reviewed because I am an educated, working professional as well. Reviews are like a red blinking sign around your chest to draw the general public as well as law enforcement attention. Although being an escort is not illegal, reviews by clients discussing sexual acts is basically a diary of your illegal activities for the cops. I am beautiful, smart, and very DISCREET. So before you go running your mouth, think about it from all perspectives. I could write a novel on all the stupid beliefs and lies clients tell one another. Ughhh.
Your lack of empathy is amazing. Please explain how a newbie who is scared to death to hire his first escort should go about it? How will he not get robbed? How will he not have a girl show up who looks nothing like her picture? How will he know you’re not a cop?
You have no idea how afraid beginners are. Yes, reviews can be faked, but what’s the alternative?
TER doesn’t work for US. Any other suggestions now that TER is down?
Twitter is ok, and there’s also (but it’s pretty limited)
I am one of the beginners. Never hired an escort. I am in college. So don’t have all that money. I wanted a little help. I see a lot of ads. I just don’t who to trust. Would love to just get help from a escort herself.