Top Ten Posts of All Time

This site began as a site to help guys navigate single life. Eventually, guys were much more interested in hooking up with escorts and pornstars.
Here are the top 10 articles of all time on this site. (Titles linked to articles).
1# Hiring a Pornstar Escort
The point of the article was to show guys that you could live out your fantasy or childhood fantasy by easily hiring pornstars you watch on video.
#2 How Much to Hire a Porn Star?
The focus here was to give real numbers on how much it costs to hire a pornstar.
#3 Book a Pornstar Escort
This article illustrates more shock that you can hire a pornstar that you watch on your phone today. 20 years ago, the only pornstars who escorted were retired and super expensive.
#4 Pornstar Escorts in 2022
This was a simple list of the girls available at the time. But there’s also information on the reasons guys hire porn star escorts. (from the comments over the years)
#5 Pornstars on the Erotic Review
This article explained for the 100x time why guys should use before hiring an escort.
If the escort is reviewed, there’s less chance of you getting arrested, robbed, or the escort showing up looking completely different than the pictures.
#6 How to Hire an Escort
Published in 2015, this article lays out 13 exact steps to how to hire an escort. The only thing added, which was added in later articles, is that you will often need a reference.
Getting a reference was discussed here: How to Get a Reference For an Escort
#7 Advice When Hiring an Escort
Another article from 2015, the best point here was an explanation of the difference between “InCall and OutCall” (you go to her or she comes to your location)
#8 Pornstars Who Escort
The point of this post was a simple updated list of famous pornstars who were escorting back in 2017. The article was wrong saying that porn stars don’t need reviews.
You should read porn star reviews, because, on more than one occasion, guys have arrived at well know pornstar’s incall, and the porn star was high, drunk, or looked different.
#9 The Secret Benefit of a Fleshlight
The main point here was if you suffer from erectile dysfunction, a Fleshlight is a solution.
#10 Pornstar Escorts are Back!
Surprising that this was a popular article, but maybe it was because some of the best-looking current pornstars were available at the time.
Based on analytics, these were the top ten most popular posts on this site from 2014 to 2023.
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